Waldeck EF Forever Lady 9529
#VDAR Shoshone 548
#AAR New Trend
Donna AAR 74
#Schearbrook Shoshone
VDAR Polly 308
#Candolier Forever 376
Donna 244 GDAR
 #+Skarship Saratoga
+SVF Forever Lady
 #Forever Lady 163 GDAR
#Pine Drive Big Sky
WAR Elba 43J
QAS Traveler 23-4
Forever Lady 65 GDAR

The AAR New Trend/SVF Forever Lady 1120 blend ranks among the most legendary flushes in the breed, and also produced the $ 87,500 Waldeck EF Forever Lady 9530, one of the top-selling females through the record breaking Shady Brook Dispersal going to Sweetwater Plantation in Georgia. Other full sisters to “9529” include the $ 33,000 top valued female of the 1997 Davis on the Highlands Sale, and the $ 28,000 half-interest top valued female through the 1997 Three Rivers Angus Sale. A flush brother to “9529” TRA New Tron 552, is a popular featured roster member of Genex/CRI. Other top-selling individuals from the Forever Lady tribe include the $ 48,000 Forever Raymond, the $ 48,000 EF Forever Ladd, and the $ 60,000 EF Forever Lady 7121.


Milk Comb Yearling
+4.8 .09 +41 .65 +28 .63 +48 +72 .62

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